The Speakers
Ben Parker – Director, Stockcrowd UK
We will be discussing online fundraising strategies, tactics, and of course, platforms with one of the most innovative fundraising specialists in the UK, Ben Parker of StockCrowd UK

Our Previous Roundtable Events
Creating Connection Webinar – A Networking Mindset for the Next Generation: Alumni Networks for Impact
Creating Connection Webinar A Networking Mindset for the Next Generation: Alumni Networks for Impact How has networking changed over the past five years? How can institutions encourage and leverage a networking mindset (and [...]
Creating Connection Webinar – Online Fundraising: How to Mobilise and Engage your Community
The Speakers Ben Parker - Director, Stockcrowd UK We will be discussing online fundraising strategies, tactics, and of course, platforms with one of the most innovative fundraising specialists in the UK, Ben Parker [...]
Creating Connection Workshop – Troubleshooting 101: Community Engagement
Creating Connection Workshop Troubleshooting 101: Community Engagement Thursday 30th June - 3pm(UK) Join us for a brand new Creating Connection Workshop, with Maria Gutierrez, Strategic and Mentoring Consultant here at Aluminati. Maria will [...]
Creating Connection Webinar: How to Increase Online Community Engagement
Chris has spent 15+ years building relationships with senior executives and connecting them with their peers. He has also built several online communities from scratch. He is a versatile digital Community Strategist with 15+ [...]
Creating Connection On-demand Webinar: Learn How a Successful Alumni Experience Comes to Life
Danya is a proven thought-leader in the Corporate Alumni space, having developed and launched impactful alumni programs for Greenberg Traurig, Verisk, and Columbia Law School in the past 10 years. She is currently the [...]