Every organization can benefit from an engaged alumni network. But how do you create and maintain alumni engagement? The key is consistent interaction. One of the best ways to achieve this is through regular alumni events. 

So, what does it take to host a successful alumni event? We reveal everything you need to know in this alumni event-planning cheat sheet. Follow these simple steps to become an alumni event pro!

1. Define event goals

Before you can start planning an event, you must define your alumni event planning goals. Ask yourself these questions. What is the purpose of the event? What do you wish to achieve? 

For example, you may be an academic institution wanting to raise funds. Or a corporate organization looking for new business partnerships through networking. Perhaps the event is an awards ceremony or simply an opportunity for alumni to meet in person and socialize.

Whatever the occasion, you will have specific goals in mind. Note what they are, there may be more than one. This will help you with the next steps in planning your alumni event.

2. Know your audience

Get to know your target audience — your alumni network. What do they expect from their alumni program participation? What are their qualifications and unique interests? This will give you vital clues as to the kinds of alumni events they will enjoy. 

Keep all your alumni data up-to-date so you can reach out to your alumni and get to know them.  When you know more about them, you can be sensitive to their specific needs (and partners who may be attending events with them). 

Take special dietary requirements into account when ordering catering. Also, check if wheelchair access or aids for visually/hearing impaired persons will be required at your event. 

3. Use your online alumni platform to streamline planning

You can use your online platform to request event ideas, market events, extend invitations, and invite contributions. You can also request feedback about events. 

Aluminati offers the most customizable online community software, for both academic and corporate alumni networks. With Aluminate for Education and Aluminate for Enterprise, alumni event planning is a breeze.

Use the digital dashboard to announce events or ask for event ideas. Encourage participation through the Groups module. And keep up to date with alumni data through the Social Data Sync feature. 

4. Create a realistic budget

The costs may differ depending on the type of event you are planning. If you are working on a tight budget, remember that you don’t have to break the bank to host an engaging event. 

Create a realistic budget for your alumni event. Break down all the costs expected for the event, such as the venue hire, decor, audiovisual equipment hire, catering, etc. Some of your alumni will be able to contribute to these costs, while others may be able to provide the items or services needed.

alumni event planning

5. Encourage alumni event ideas 

Alumni events are not all alike, and the goals behind them will differ. Some events will entertain, educate, and engage, while others will facilitate networking or fundraising. However, there is always a common thread here, and it is the alumni themselves. 

So, encourage your alumni to offer their own ideas for future events. This makes them feel that their contributions are valued, which means they’ll be more likely to stay active in the program. It also makes them feel more connected to the alumni network.

6. Choose the ideal event venue

Your choice of venue can make or break any event. So be sure to choose wisely for the most successful event and memorable experience possible. Try to match the venue to your event goals, budget, and alumni needs.

If you are handing out awards or celebrating big achievements, you may wish to host the event in a high-end venue. But for smaller events, you could use some of your university or company’s facilities.

7. Plan the agenda

Every alumni event should have an agenda. This is a detailed outline of all the activities that will take place during the event. It should include any alumni speeches, guest speakers, meals, networking sessions, and other aspects of the event.

By drawing up an outline, you will easily identify any issues and ensure smoother transitions from one activity to the next. Remember to include time for meet-and-greet, Q&A sessions, refreshment breaks, etc. 

Draw up a list and rearrange things if necessary until there is a more logical progression from one activity to the next. It is this final draft of the agenda that will make it into your event announcements and invitations. 

8. Market your event effectively

Marketing is one of the most important aspects of alumni event planning. Whether your event is open to the public or alumni only, you’ll need to market it.

If only alumni and their partners will be attending, you can limit marketing to the alumni platform. But this will only suffice if all your alumni actively participate on the platform and see your marketing materials. This is where a digital alumni newsletter is particularly useful. 

Your newsletter can inform alumni about the latest network news and upcoming events. The most successful alumni websites are those that have well-written, engaging newsletters. Read our guide on how to write an engaging alumni newsletter.

Avoid a general event announcement for more formal events. Personalized invitations are always preferable in such instances.

alumni event planning

9. Incorporate networking opportunities

If your event agenda does not have any networking opportunities, you may want to include them. Create quieter, private spaces where alumni can sit and chat over a drink, and exchange ideas. However, these should be within easy reach of the main event.

Networking has always been an essential component of alumni membership, amongst both academic and corporate alumni. Allow your alumni to network on your alumni platform too, with virtual networking sessions.

Top tips for event planning success

When you’re tasked with alumni event planning, the first few can be daunting. But with the help of our alumni event planning cheat sheet, and these top tips, you’ll be fine.

  • Market the event to potential attendees well in advance. This gives your alumni time to amend their own schedules to be free to attend.
  • Create a planning timeline to stay focused and keep the event planning on track. Effective time management makes every task simpler.
  • Encourage attendees to give feedback. Invite actionable insights that tell you what you got right, and most importantly, what needs to improve before the next event. You may encourage more honest critique through a poll or survey that guarantees anonymity. 

Take your alumni events to the next level with Aluminati

Your choice of alumni platform is essential to the success of your alumni program and its events. This is why you must choose the right one. 

So choose Aluminate for Education for your academic alumni program and event planning, or Aluminate for Enterprise for your corporate alumni network and event planning. 

Create the alumni events and experiences your alumni deserve. Request a demo today.